God has the perfect plan for Your Life! His plan is often hidden from you, those around you and your enemy. While your enemy is busy trying to "take you out" God has thwarted your demise with a Plan of Power and Success to get you out! Remember, with God it’s never just out, but out and on Top!
This book shows you how God's Plan goes beyond your worst life experiences and brings you into a successful Touchdown!
This book reveals 8 personal attributes to apply in your daily life that will get you to see God's Plan at full force in your life. The book gives you a list of some key benefits to following God's Plan along with a #1 weapon against the enemy that wants to destroy you and your opportunity to be all that God has intended for you, SUCCESS and the Fullest Degree!
You will see how to view God's Strength In The Midst of Your Storm and how to follow the source of your success.
This book deals with the following issues:
- Infidelity In Marriage
- Domestic Violence
- Low Self-Esteem
- Child Molestation
- Rape
- Drug Abuse
- Rebelliousness
- Emotional Abuse & Instability
- Fear and Lack of Self Confidence
The author uses real life and very personal experiences to reveal God's Hidden Plan for Your Success! Get your copy today!